Difference Between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Frequency

2.4 GHz and 5 GHz are basically two frequency bands for wireless routers and users can select through which band should their router broadcast the signals. They are just frequencies that your Wi-Fi routers can transmit. Frequency bands can affect the transmission of the internet to your device. If the frequency is greater then speed … Read more

What is an SSID?

An SSID is a technical term for the network name of the Wi-Fi Network. It may be the name of Wireless Network from a wireless router or from a hotspot. SSIDs are meant to be unique names so that different Wi-Fi networks in an area can be distinguished from each other and people can connect … Read more

How to Secure your Wi-Fi Network?

Some people try their best to protect their Wi-Fi networks and prevent unauthorized access while others don’t protect their Wi-Fi Network, at all. Everyone likes a free Wi-Fi network that is not encrypted so they can leech off it and connect to the internet through it, while others may hack into an open network and … Read more

What is an IP Address?

IP Address or Internet Protocol Address is a unique combination of digits and letters that is assigned to a device to communicate with other devices on the Internet. There are two versions of IP Addresses available; IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6). IPv4 is the older version of IP Address and has … Read more

What is Wireless MAC Filtering?

The Media Access Control Address or MAC address is a unique address that is assigned to each device that is connected to a network. Most of the Wireless and Wi-Fi Routers have a special feature called wireless MAC filtering that lets you filter devices using their MAC addresses. MAC Addresses are assigned to each network … Read more

How To Improve Wireless WiFi Network?

Everyone hates poor Wi-Fi Connectivity because you are stuck with slow internet speeds and cannot use the internet as you intend to. While there are many factors that lead to poor Wi-Fi coverage, here are some things that you can try out to improve your Wireless Wi-Fi Network. How To Improve Wireless WiFi Network? Here … Read more